
Kirkee Cantonment Board Bharti Syllabus 2025 : Kirkee Cantonment Board Bharti Syllabus 2025 – Kirkee Cantonment Board will going to organize Online computer based examnination for its variouos vacancies. There are various posistions for which Interview/Personality Test/Skill Test/Written exam is going to be conducted by Khadki Cantonment Board which incluedes posts like Stenographer, Mali, Dresser, Ward AYa, Ward Boy, Poundkeeper, Mazdoor, Watchman, Fireman, Carpenter, Mason, Wireman & Sweeper and other. In this article candidtaes will be able to download Khadki Cantonment Board Bharti Syllabus and Exam Pattern, Know about Khadki Cantonment Board Selection Process as per posts. Download Syllabus PDF from below link :

खडकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्डामार्फत मुलाखत/व्यक्तिमत्व चाचणी/कौशल्य चाचणी/लेखी परीक्षा घेतली जाणार आहे ज्यामध्ये लघुलेखक, माळी, ड्रेसर, वॉर्ड आय, वॉर्ड बॉय, पौंडकीपर, मजदूर, वॉचमन, फायरमन, सुतार, मेसन, वायरमन आणि स्वीपर आणि इतर पदांचा समावेश आहे. . या लेखात उमेदवार खडकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्ड भरती अभ्यासक्रम आणि परीक्षा पॅटर्न डाउनलोड करू शकतील, खडकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्ड निवड प्रक्रियेबद्दल पोस्ट्सनुसार जाणून घेण्यासाठी खालील माहिती वाचा. खालील लिंकवरून अभ्यासक्रम PDF डाउनलोड करा:
तसेच या संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्ससाठी या लिंक वरून आपण आमच्या टेलिग्राम चॅनलला जॉईन करावे किंवा या लिंक वरून महाभरती एक्सामची अधिकृत अँप आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करावी आणि अधिक ताज्या आणि अधिकृत महाराष्ट्र परीक्षेच्या अपडेटसाठी फॉलो करा:

Khadki Cantonment Board Selection Process 2025

Sr. NoPostsSelection Process
1Registrar, Pediatrician, Asstt.Medical OfficerSelection   will   be   subject   to   the   performance   of candidate in Interview/Personality Test.

 X-Ray Technician, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Peon, Sanitary Inspector

Selection and merit will be based on Written Test (The written test will be of 100 marks on the subject of Objective Type Questions having duration of 90 minutes). Answers to the questions will have to be marked on OMR Answer sheet. The questions for written test will be set in bilingual, i.e Hindi & English. Date, time & venue will be intimated on website Candidates are required to visit website regularly to check the time schedule for written test.


Stenographer, Mali, Dresser, Ward Aya, Ward Boy, Poundkeeper, Mazdoor, Watchman, Fireman,Carpenter, Mason, Wireman & Sweeper

Selection and merit will be based on Written Test (The written test will be of 100 marks on the subject   of   Objective   Type   Questions   having duration    of   90    minutes).    Answers   to   the questions  will   have   to    be   marked   on   OMR Answer sheet. The questions for written test will be set in bilingual, i.e Hindi & English. Date, time   &   venue   will   be   intimated   on   website       Candidates       are required to visit website regularly to check the time schedule for written test. There will    be skill test for these posts. The shortlisted candidates who qualify the written test will undergo the Skill Test mandatorily. The candidates will be selected 1:5 ratio or as per decision of the competent authority after written test result for each post. The date and time of the Skill Test will be published on the website and will also be mentioned in the Admit Card. The skill test will be of qualifying nature and final selection  will  be  done  based  on  written test marks only.

The syllabus for Skill Test is given below. For the posts mentioned at Sr.No.9(ii), Competent Authority may decide to conduct Skill Test, if required, which will be intimated through official website.

(a) Syllabus for written Examination
The question paper shall be of 90 minutes duration with 100 marks consisting of 100 questions of objective type questions. 50 marks will be distributed for
(a) General Intelligence and Reasoning,
(b) General Awareness,
(c) Numerical Aptitude &
(d) English Comprehension and
(e) 50 marks will be specific course based on their essential qualification.

For the posts at Sr.No.10-15 & 21 as given under, total 100 marks will be distributed among
(a) General Intelligence and Reasoning,
(b) General Awareness
(c) Numerical Aptitude &
(d) English Comprehension only.

Syllabus For Khadki Cantonment Board Exam 2025

The syllabus in detail is given below:

Reasoning :- Number Series, Classification, Venn Diagram, problem on Figure Pattern, Statements and Arguments, Statements and Assumption, Puzzles, Coding and Decoding, Alphabet Series, Paper Folding, Syllogism, Statements and Conclusion, Assertion and Reasoning, Seating Arrangements, Word building, Blood relation.

Quantitative Aptitude :- Simplification, Number Series, Percentage, Ration and Proportion, Time, Speed and Distance, Average. Geometry and Mensuration, Permutation and Combination, Bar Graph, Trigonometry Number System, Square Root, Surd and Indices, Profit and Loss, Simple and Cisterns. Boat and Stream, Probability, Pie Chart, Line Graph, Line Equation. Mixture and Allegation, Discount.

English Comprehensive :- Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/ Passive voice of verbs Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage, Part of Speed, Tenses, Article, Subject-Verb Agreement.

General Awareness:- Current Affairs

Technical Questions:- Postwise Course related questions

Exam Pattern For Khadki Cantonment Board Exam 2025

Sr. No.Name of the PostSubject for Written Test
1RegistrarThere is no written test for this post.
2PediatricianThere is no written test for this post.
3Asstt. Medical officerThere is no written test for this post.
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. Syllabus related to pharmacy
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. syllabus related to physiotherapist
6X-Ray technician
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. syllabus of B.SC & Diploma in Radiography
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. Syllabus based on Computer Knowledge in Word, Excel, power Point, & use of internet.
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. Syllabus based on Horticulture & Gardening
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. Syllabus related to Dresser
10Ward Aya (only female candidate can apply)
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
11Ward Boy
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. syllabus related to Fire bridge course
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. syllabus related to Carpenter
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. syllabus related to masonary
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. syllabus related to wireman
20Sanitary Inspector
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5. Syllabus related to Sanitary Inspector Course
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension

Khadki Cantonment Board Junior Clerk Exam Pattern And Syllabus 

Kirkee Cantonment Board Bharti Syllabus 2025 : Recently Kirkee Cantonment Board  has issued Notification for Junior Clerk Job. For this Post an Online Exam will be conducted by Kirkee Cantonment Board. In this section you will get information about Kirkee Cantonment Board Junior Clerk Syllabus, KCB Junior Clerk Selection Process and Other detailed information so that you can prepare as per Official Exam Pattern and get good Marks in the Examination. Check what is the Exam Pattern For Junior Clerk Kirkee Cantonment Board ? How to Prepare for Kirkee Cantonment Board Junior Clerk Exam 2025 at below Section:

किरकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्ड भरती अभ्यासक्रम 2025
अलीकडेच किर्की कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्डाने कनिष्ठ लिपिक नोकरीसाठी अधिसूचना जारी केली आहे. या पदासाठी किरकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्डाकडून ऑनलाइन परीक्षा घेतली जाईल. या विभागात तुम्हाला किरकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्ड कनिष्ठ लिपिक अभ्यासक्रम, केसीबी कनिष्ठ लिपिक निवड प्रक्रिया आणि इतर तपशीलवार माहिती मिळेल जेणेकरून तुम्ही अधिकृत परीक्षेच्या पद्धतीनुसार तयारी करू शकाल आणि परीक्षेत चांगले गुण मिळवू शकाल. तसेच या संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्ससाठी या लिंक वरून आपण आमच्या टेलिग्राम चॅनलला जॉईन करावे किंवा या लिंक वरून महाभरती एक्सामची अधिकृत अँप आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करावी आणि अधिक ताज्या आणि अधिकृत महाराष्ट्र परीक्षेच्या अपडेटसाठी फॉलो करा:

Kirkee Cantonment Board Junior Clerk Exam Dates Will Be announced Soon !!

Kirkee Cantonment Board Junior Clerk Mode of Selection

  1. उमेदवारांनी हे लक्षात घ्यावे की उद्दिष्ट प्रकारातील प्रश्नपत्रिकेत उमेदवाराने चुकीच्या उत्तरांसाठी दंड (नकारात्मक चिन्हांकन) केले जाईल.
  2. प्रत्येक प्रश्नाच्या उत्तरासाठी चार पर्याय आहेत. उमेदवाराने चुकीचे उत्तर दिलेल्या प्रत्येक प्रश्नासाठी, त्या प्रश्नाला नियुक्त केलेल्या गुणांपैकी एक तृतीयांश (0.33) दंड म्हणून वजा केले जातील.
  3. उमेदवाराने एकापेक्षा जास्त उत्तरे दिल्यास, दिलेल्या उत्तरांपैकी एखादे बरोबर असले तरीही ते चुकीचे उत्तर मानले जाईल आणि त्या प्रश्नासाठी वरीलप्रमाणेच दंड आकारला जाईल.
  4. जर एखादा प्रश्न रिकामा ठेवला असेल, म्हणजे उमेदवाराने कोणतेही उत्तर दिले नाही, तर त्या प्रश्नासाठी कोणताही दंड आकारला जाणार नाही.

Sr.No.Name of the PostMode of Selection
1Jr. Clerk

Final selection and merit will be based on written test only (The written test will be of 120 marks on the subject of Objective Type Questions having duration of 120 minutes). Answers to the questions will have to be marked on OMR Answer sheet. The questions for written test will be set in bilingual, i.e Hindi & English. There will be Skill Test for the Post. Date, time & venue will be intimated on website Candidates are required to visit website regularly to check the time schedule for written test.

(b) Candidates should note that there will be penalty (negative marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Papers. There are four alternatives for the answers to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third (0.33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happen to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question. If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.

Kirkee Cantonment Board Junior Clerk Exam Pattern 2025

The question paper shall be of 120 minutes duration of 120 marks consisting of 120questions of objective type questions:-

sr. No.Name of PostSubjectNo of questions (Each one mark)Total Marks
1Jr. Clerk
  1.  General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2.  General Awareness
  3.  Numerical Aptitude
  4.  English Comprehension
  5.  Computer Knowledge

Syllabus for Junior Clerk written Examination 2025

ReasoningNumber Series, Classification, Venn Diagram, problem on Figure Pattern, Statements and Arguments, Statements and Assumption, Puzzles, Coding and Decoding, Alphabet Series, Paper Folding, Syllogism, Statements and Conclusion, Assertion and Reasoning, Seating Arrangements, Word building, Blood relation.
Quantitative Aptitude

Simplification, Number Series, Percentage, Ration and Proportion, Time, Speed and Distance, Average, Geometry and Mensuration,

Permutation and Combination, Bar Graph, Trigonometry Number System, Square Root, Surd and Indices, Profit and Loss, Simple and Cisterns. Boat and Stream, Probability, Pie Chart, Line Graph, Line Equation, Mixture and Allegation, Discount.

Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/ Passive voice of verbs Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage, Part of Speed, Tenses, Article, Subject[1]Verb Agreement.

General Awareness/Computer KnowledgeThe knowledge to work on Computerviz. in word, Excel Powerpoint , accounts software like Tally (for Actual Based Accounting System) and any other web based application. Internet and its use

Kirkee Cantonment Board Bharti Syllabus 2025

Kirkee Cantonment Board Bharti Syllabus 2025 – Recently Khadki Cantonment Board had Published Notice for various post like (1) Asstt.Engineer, (2) Jr.Engineer, (3) Draughtsman, (4) Electrician & (5) Staff Nurse in the  office of the Kirkee Cantonment Board. For this recruitment process, selection is made on the basis of Written Examination/Skill Test. Written test is conducted on 16th October 2022 for Assis Engineer, for rest Post exam will be in november Month and Skill test is scheduled on 18th October 2022. Candidates should note that there will be penalty (negative marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Papers. Candidates can download Kirkee Cantonment Board Bharti Syllabus 2025, Kirkee Cantonment Board Bharti Exam Pattern in this post. Study accordingly as per given Official Khadki Cantonment Board Syllabus :

Kamptee Cantonment Board Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2022 – New Syllabus
▪Aurangabad Cantonment Board Recruitment Syllabus And Exam Pattern 2022
▪Ahmednagar Cantonment Board Bharti Exam Pattern And Syllabus

किरकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्ड भरती अभ्यासक्रम 2022

अलीकडेच खडकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्डाने किरकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्डाच्या कार्यालयात (1) सहाय्यक अभियंता, (2) ज्युनियर अभियंता, (3) ड्राफ्ट्समन, (4) इलेक्ट्रीशियन आणि (5) स्टाफ नर्स यासारख्या विविध पदांसाठी सूचना प्रकाशित केल्या होत्या. या भरती प्रक्रियेसाठी, निवड लेखी परीक्षा/कौशल्य चाचणीच्या आधारे केली जाते. 16 ऑक्टोबर 2022 रोजी लेखी चाचणी घेण्यात आली आहे आणि कौशल्य चाचणी 18 ऑक्टोबर 2022 रोजी नियोजित आहे. उमेदवारांनी लक्षात ठेवावे की उद्दीष्ट प्रकारातील प्रश्नपत्रिकेतील उमेदवाराने चुकीच्या उत्तरासाठी चिन्हांकित केल्याबद्दल दंड (निगेटिव्ह मार्किंग) लागेल. उमेदवार या पोस्टमध्ये किरकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्ड भरती अभ्यासक्रम 202, किरकी कॅन्टोन्मेंट बोर्ड भरती परीक्षा पॅटर्न डाउनलोड करू शकतात.

Kirkee Cantonment Board Bharti Selection Process 2025

Final selection and merit will be based on written test Skill Test or  interview as per Posts
Mode ot selection:
Sr. No.Name of the PostMode of Selection
1Asstt. Engineer

 Final selection and merit will be based on written test only (The written test will be of 120 marks on the subject of Objective Type Questions having duration of 120minutes). Answers to the questions will have to be marked on OMR Answer sheet. The questions for written test will be set   in bilingual, i.e Hindi & English. There will be no Skill Test or interview for the Post. Date, time & venue will be intimated on   website      Candidates   are required to visit website regularly to check the time schedule for written test.

2Jr. Engineer

Final selection and merit will be based on written test only (The written test will be of 120 marks on the subject of Objective Type Questions having duration of 120minutes). Answers to the questions will have to be marked on OMR Answer sheet. The questions for written test will be set   in bilingual, i.e Hindi & English. There will be no Skill Test or interview for the Post. Date, time & venue will be intimated on   website      Candidates   are required to visit website regularly to check the time schedule for written test.


Final selection and merit will be based on written test only (The written test will be of 120 marks on the subject of Objective Type Questions having duration of 120minutes). Answers to the questions will have to be marked on OMR Answer sheet. The questions for written test will be set in bilingual, i.e Hindi & English. There will be no Skill Test or interview for the Post. Date, time & venue will be intimated on website Candidates are required to visit website regularly to check the time schedule for written test.


Final selection and merit will be based on written test only (The written test will be of 120 marks on the subject of Objective Type Questions having duration of 120minutes). Answers to the questions will have to be marked on OMR Answer sheet. The questions for written test will be set in bilingual, i.e Hindi & English. There will be no Skill Test or interview for the Post. Date, time & venue will be intimated on website Candidates are required to visit website regularly to check the time schedule for written test.

5Staff Nurse

Final selection and merit will be based on written test only (The written test will be of 120 marks on the subject of Objective Type Questions having duration of 120minutes). Answers to the questions will have to be marked on OMR Answer sheet. The questions for written test will be set in bilingual, i.e Hindi & English. The candidate who will qualify written test as per criteria set up by recruitment committee, will have to appear/undergo for the skill test mandatorily. There will be no interview for the Post. Date, time & venue will be intimated on website Candidates are required to visit website regularly to check the time schedule for written test.

The qualifying criteria/passing mark/qualifying marks in skill test will be set by recruitment committee. Candidates who will obtain the qualifying/passing marks in the skill test will be considered  for  final  rankinq  of  selection  as  per  marks

Cantonment Board Bharti Exam Pattern 2025

The question paper shall be of 120 minutes duration of 120 marks consisting of 120 questions of objective type :-

Sr. No.Name of PostSubjectNo of questions (Each one mark)Total Marks
1Asstt. Engineer
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2. General Awareness
  3. Numerical Aptitude
  4. English Comprehension
  5. Civil Engineering
2Jr. Engineer
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2. General Awareness
  3. Numerical Aptitude
  4. English Comprehension
  5. Civil Engineering
  1. Reasoning
  2. General Awareness
  3. Numerical Aptitude
  4. English Comprehension
  5. Based on ITI Syllabus on Electrician
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2. General Awareness
  3. Numerical Aptitude
  4. English Comprehension
  5. Based on D’Man ITI Syllabus
5Staff Nurse
  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  2. General Awareness
  3. Numerical Aptitude
  4. English Comprehension
  5. General Nursing Syllabus

          6. Skill Test (Knowledge of all equipment required for various procedure)

Qualifying in nature

Syllabus of the examination :  Kirkee Cantonment Board Bharti Syllabus 2025

a) General intelligence and reasoning will include both verbal and non-verbal reasoning.
b) General awareness will include history, culture, geography, economic science,  General polity, Indian Constitution, Current Affairs, etc.
c) Numerical aptitude will test the knowledge of arithmetical concepts and their use  in finding the solution of real-life problems.
d) English Comprehension will test the candidate’s ability to understand correct  English, has basic comprehension and writing ability, etc.
e) Based on the respective Syllabus.

Syllabus for Written Test of Asstt. Engineer

Building Construction & Materials, Strength of materials, Theory of structures, Steel structures, Design of reinforced concrete structures, Construction planning and Management, Surveying, Estimating, costing and Valuation, Geo-technical Engineering, Highway Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Supply Engineering, Waste water Engineering & Pollution control

Syllabus for English Language

Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Para jumbles, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms and Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Sentence Correction, Error Spotting, One Word Substitution, Sentence Rearrangement, Active & Passive Voice

Syllabus for General Aptitude and Mathematics

Verbal Aptitude, Quantitative Aptitude, Analytical Aptitude, Spatial Aptitude, Ratio and Proportion, Time, Speed, and Distance, Work and Time Equations, Basic Statistics (Mean, Average, Median, and Variance, etc.), Stocks, Shares, and Debentures, Percentages, Clock Ray Questions, Volume and Surface Area, Logarithms, Permutation and Combination, Partnerships, Heights and Distances, Probability, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit / Loss and Discounts, Basic Algebra, Basic Trigonometry, Charts / Bars / and Graphs, Data Interpretation

Syllabus for General Knowledge

Current Affairs, Indian History, World History, Geography, General Awareness, Indian Politics and Constitution, Awards, Authors, Religion and Culture, General Science, Sports, Personalities, Monuments

Kirkee Cantonment Board Exam Date 2022 For Staff Nurse and Other Posts

KCB Asstt. Engineer Exam Date

Date of Exam: 16 Oct.2022 at 10.30 am to 12.30 pm

Date of Skill Test for short listed candidates : 18 Oct.2022

 Admit Card: Already dispatched and emailed on email ids provided by candidates. If not received send email on HelpDesk Email id .



Khadki CB Sanitary Inspector Exam Date

Date of Exam: 06 Nov.2022 at 10.30 am to 12.30 pm

 Admit Card : Dispatched and the same are also sent on candidates email id provided by them. Check Inbox & SPAM. Candidates who have not received admit card either by post or email may send their request on email ceokirkee[at]gmail[dot]com, before contacting check latest status on website, check inbox and spam.



Kirkee CB Draughtsman Exam Date

Date of Exam: 06 Nov.2022 at 10.30 am to 12.30 pm

 Date of Skill Test for short listed candidates : 07 Nov..2022

 Admit Card : Dispatched and the same are also sent on candidates email id provided by them. Check Inbox & SPAM. Candidates who have not received admit card either by post or email may send their request on email ceokirkee[at]gmail[dot]com, before contacting check latest status on website, check inbox and spam.





Khadki Cantonment Board Jr. Engineer Exam Date

The date of Written Test is 27 Nov.2022, Admit Card already dispatched on 25-10-2022. The same will send through email also.



Khadki Cantonment Board Jr. Engineer Exam Date

The date of Written Test is 27 Nov.2022, Admit Card already dispatched on 25-10-2022. The same will send through email also.



Khadki Cantonment Board Jr. Engineer Exam Date

Khadki Cantonment Board Electrician Exam Date

Date of written test is 11 Dec.2022, Admit Cards dispatched on 09-11-2022, email also sent.




Khadki Cantonment Board Staff Nurse Exam Date

Date of Written Test is 11 Dec.2022, admit cards dispatched on 10-11-2022, email also sent.



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