SAIL Recruitment Exam Pattern And Syllabus : सेल भरती परीक्षा पॅटर्न आणि अभ्यासक्रम
SAIL Recruitment Exam Pattern And Syllabus PDF
SAIL Recruitment Exam Pattern And Syllabus PDF – Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) – a Maharatna Public Sector Enterprise and the leading steel making company in India is going to hire candidates for its various Steel Plant. Those who have interested must register For SAIL Exam 2025. As Per Official Notification SAIL Will conduct Computer Based Exam for Some Position and Physical Test. Detailed Information about SAIL Bharti Exam Pattern And Syllabus are discuss in this article. Its a good opportunity for Maharashtra and other students to become a part of PSU and work For Bhilai Steel Plant, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant (CFP) / Salem Steel Plant (SSP). Selected candidates will get Posted here in these Plants. So Read All details regarding SAIL Bharti Exam 2025.
Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant Exam Pattern And Syllabus
स्टील अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड (SAIL) – एक महारत्न सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रातील उपक्रम आणि भारतातील आघाडीची स्टील बनवणारी कंपनी आहे.तर हि कंपनी विविध स्टील प्लांटसाठी उमेदवार नियुक्त करणार आहे. ज्यांना स्वारस्य आहे त्यांनी SAIL परीक्षा 2025 साठी नोंदणी करणे आवश्यक आहे. अधिकृत अधिसूचनेनुसार SAIL काही पदांसाठी शारीरिक चाचणी आणि काही पदांसाठी संगणक आधारित परीक्षा आयोजित करेल. सेल भरती परीक्षेचा पॅटर्न आणि अभ्यासक्रमाविषयी तपशीलवार माहिती या लेखात वाचू शकतात . महाराष्ट्र आणि इतर विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी PSU चा भाग बनण्याची आणि भिलाई स्टील प्लांट, चंद्रपूर फेरो अलॉय प्लांट (CFP) / सेलम स्टील प्लांट (SSP) साठी काम करण्याची ही चांगली संधी आहे. निवडलेल्या उमेदवारांना या प्लांट्समध्ये पोस्ट केले जाईल. तर सेल भरती परीक्षा 2025 संबंधी सर्व तपशील वाचा आणि या सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रात स्थान मिळविण्यासाठी कठोर परिश्रम करा.
SAIL Recruitment Exam 2025
Authority Name | Steel Authority of India Ltd. |
Posts | Senior Consultant, Consultant, Medical Officer, Manager, Deputy Manager, Assistant Manager, Mine Foreman, Surveyor, Operator cum Technician, Mining Mate, Attendant cum Technician, Fireman |
No.of Vacancy | 259 |
Job Category | Engineering Jobs |
SAIL Recruitment Selection Process 2025
Post | Selection Procedure |
Sr.Consultant / Consultant / Sr.Medical Officer | Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the Interview (100 marks). The minimum qualifying marks in the Interview will be 50% for Unreserved/EWS category and 40% for SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD category candidates. For final selection, the merit list will be drawn up based on the performance of the candidates in the interview. In case two or more candidates are placed on the same cut-off point in the final merit list, the offer letter will be issued to the candidate having higher marks in eligibility qualification (viz., PG/DNB). Information regarding Interview will be provided in the Call Letter which will be uploaded on careers page of SAIL website and candidates will be intimated for the same through their emails. No other communication will be sent to the candidates for the purpose. |
Manager (Hydraulics) / Manager (Mechanical) / Manager (Electrical) Deputy Manager (Mining) / Deputy Manager (Geology) / Assistant Manage (BOE) / Assistant Manage (Safety) / Medical Officer | The mode of selection for eligible applicants would be through Written Test / Online Test (CBT) followed by an interview of qualifying candidates in Written Test / Online Test (CBT), called in the ratio of 1:3 in order of merit. However, If for any position, the ratio of applicants for the post is less than 1:5, only interview will be conducted. If the cut-off marks of CBT, so arrived at, are obtained by more than one candidate – all of them will be called for Interview. For final selection, merit list will be drawn by combining the scores of Online Test (CBT) and Interview with the weightage of 80:20 in that order or as per the merit list of Interview (as the case may be). Information regarding Written Test/Online Test(CBT)/Interview will be provided in the Admit Card/ Call Letter which will be uploaded on careers page of SAIL website and candidates will be intimated for the same through their emails. No other communication will be sent to the candidates for the purpose. Written Test/Online Test (CBT): Provisionally eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective type Written Test/Online test (CBT) consisting of 100 multiple choice questions at any of the centres decided by the Management. The minimum qualifying marks in the Written Test / Online test (CBT) for unreserved posts/EWS will be determined based on 50 percentile score. For SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD candidates the minimum qualifying marks will be 40 percentile score. |
Mines Foreman/ Surveyor / Operator cum Technician (Electrical Supervisor)/ Mining Mate / Blaster / Operato cum Technician (Boiler Operation)/ Attendant cum Technician (Boiler Operation / Operator cum Technician (T) / Attendant cum Technician (T) / Fireman cum Fire Engine Driver (T) | Eligible candidates will be required to appear for an Online test (CBT), information for which will be provided in the Admit Card. Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the Online test (CBT) will be intimated to appear for Skill Test/ Physical Ability Test/ Driving Test (as applicable for the post), through careers page of SAIL website. Weightage of marks for Online test (CBT) will be 100%. Skill Test/ Physical Ability Test/ Driving Test will only be of qualifying nature. SAIL Online Test (CBT) Details Provisionally eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective type Online test (CBT) consisting of 100 multiple choice questions at any of the centres decided by the Management. The minimum qualifying marks in the Online test (CBT) for unreserved posts/EWS will be determined based on 50 percentile score. For SC/ST/ OBC(NCL) / PwBD candidates the minimum qualifying marks will be 40 percentile score. Skill Test/Physical ability Test/Driving Test: From among those who qualify in the Online test (CBT), candidates will be shortlisted for Skill Test/Physical Ability Test/ Driving Test in the ratio of 1:3 category wise in order of merit. The tests may be held at a short notice for which call letters will be uploaded on SAIL website and candidates will be intimated for the same through their email registered during filling up of online application. No other communication will be sent to the candidates for this purpose. For final selection, merit list will be prepared in descending order separately for each category on the basis of total marks obtained in the Online test (CBT) by the candidates who qualify in Skill Test/Physical Ability Test/Driving Test. |
Medical Standard Required For SAIL Recruitment 2025
For the post of Fireman cum Fire Engine Driver (Trainee)
Physical Standards | Parameter (minimum) |
Height | 165 Cm |
Weight | 50 Kg |
Chest (Expanded) | 86.5 Cm |
Chest (Un-expanded) | 81 Cm |
Eye Vision | 6/6 without glasses |
Colour Vision | Normal (Colour blindness will be a disqualification) |
Physique | No physical disability, no knock knee and no metal implantation inside the body. |
Field of vision should be normal and night blindness should not be there. Hearing should be normal (Relaxable up to 30 db in speech frequency). The height and weight chart based on the body mass index will be followed while considering the anthropometric measurements wherever necessary. Candidate should be of sound physique, free from any defect. The medical standards indicated above are minimum pre-requisites. However, appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their passing the Company’s Medical Examination as per standards laid down under SAIL’s Medical & Health Manual.
SAIL Bharti Physical Standards
A) Physical Standards :
Parameter (minimum) | For Grades E-1 to E-4 posts |
| For Grades S-1 & S-3 posts (Except for the post of Fireman cum Fire Engine Driver (Trainee)) |
| Required Standard |
| Required Standard |
| Male | Female | Male | Female |
Height | 155 cm for Engg. 150 cm Non Engg | 143 Cm | 155 Cm | 143 Cm |
Weight | 45 Kg | 35 Kg | 45 Kg | 35 Kg |
Chest measurement | 72 cm & 75 cm on expansion | 75 cm & 79 cm on expansion | 75 cm & 79 cm on expansion | 70 cm & 73 cm on expansion |
B) Visual Parameters:
Parameter (minimum) | For Grades E-1 to E-4 posts |
| For Grades S-1 & S-3 posts |
| Standard |
| Standard |
| Same for Male & Female |
| Same for Male & Female |
| Engg. | Non Engg. |
Distant vision | 6/9 with or without glasses or 6/6 and 6/12 in the other eye with or without glasses | One eyed persons with 6/6 in healthy eye should be considered fit | 6/9 Both eyes with or without glasses. After the age of 35 years one step reduction (both eyes one step reduction (both eyes with or without glasses)) |
Near vision | J1 both eyes with or without glass. Power of glasses will not exceed ± 4D | J1 both eyes with or without glass. Power of glasses will not exceed ± 8D | J1 or N6 both eyes. Power of glasses should not exceed ± 2.50 D |
Colour vision | Essential | Not Essential | Normal (in Ishihara or Lantern test) |
Binocular vision | Essential. Surgically operated and corrected Squint will be acceptable | -- | Essential.Surgically operated and corrected Squint will be acceptable |
SAIL Recruitment Salary, Pay Scale
For the post in Grades E1 to E4, selected candidates shall be on probation for one year, and confirmation shall be based on proper assessment of conduct and performance.
Candidates selected as Mines Foreman, Surveyor, Operator cum Technician (Electrical Supervisor), Mining Mate, Blaster, Operator cum Technician (Boiler Operation), Attendant cum Technician (Boiler Operation), will be placed on probation for 1 year.
Candidates selected for Operator cum Technician (T) / Attendant cum Technician (T) / Fireman cum Fire Engine Driver (T) will be placed on training for a minimum period of 2 (two) years which can be extended by another two years as per requirement. During the training period they will be paid consolidated pay as per rates detailed below. On successful completion of training period, they shall be regularized in S3/S1 grade. After successful completion of training, candidates shall be placed under probation for 1 year.
Grade | Consolidated Pay (Per month) |
| 1st year (Rs.) | 2nd year (Rs.) |
S1 | 12,900/- | 15,000/- |
S3 | 16,100/- | 18,300/- |
During the period of 2 years training, trainees will also get Medical facility for self, spouse and dependent children. Leave etc. will be as per Rules of the Company.
SAIL Management Trainee Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025
SAIL Management Trainee Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 : If you are preparing for SAIL Management Trainee Exam then this post is very important for you. In this article, we provide detailed information about the syllabus of SAIL Management Trainee Exam has been given. For those candidates who have applied online, the latest exam pattern has been given which will help you in your preparation. (SAIL Management Trainee Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025). The online registration process for SAIL MT Recruitment 2025 has started on 28th November 2025 and will end on 18th December 2025. As per the official SAIL MT Notification PDF.
SAIL Recruitment Exam Pattern And Syllabus PDF
जर तुम्ही सेल मॅनेजमेंट ट्रेनी परीक्षेची तयारी करत असाल तर ही पोस्ट तुमच्यासाठी खूप महत्त्वाची आहे. या लेखात, सेल मॅनेजमेंट ट्रेनी परीक्षेच्या अभ्यासक्रमाविषयी माहिती दिली आहे, तसेच, तुम्ही खाली दिलेल्या लिंकवरून पीडीएफ डाउनलोड करू शकता. ज्या उमेदवारांनी ऑनलाइन अर्ज केले आहेत त्यांच्यासाठी नवीनतम परीक्षेचा नमुना देण्यात आला आहे जो तुम्हाला तुमच्या तयारीत मदत करेल. (सेल व्यवस्थापन प्रशिक्षणार्थी अभ्यासक्रम आणि परीक्षा पॅटर्न 2025).
SAIL Management Trainee Bharti Syllabus Details
Organization | Steel Authority Of India Limited |
Exam Name | SAIL MT Exam 2025 |
Selection Process | Online Exam, Group Discussion, Interview |
Category | Syllabus |
SAIL MT Bharti Selection Process
SAIL मॅनेजमेंट ट्रेनी पदासाठी निवड ऑनलाइन परीक्षा, गट चर्चा आणि मुलाखत फेरीतील एकूण कामगिरीवर आधारित असेल.
- Online Examination
- Group Discussion
- Interview
SAIL Management Trainee Recruitment Exam Pattern 2025
- सेल एमटी ऑनलाइन परीक्षा दोन भागांची असेल
- GD आणि मुलाखतीसाठी पात्र होण्यासाठी उमेदवाराला ऑनलाइन परीक्षेसाठी पात्र व्हावे लागेल.
Paper | Name of Subjects | Marks | Duration of Exam |
Paper I | Domain Knowledge Test | 100 | 40 Minutes |
Paper II (Aptitude Test) | Quantitative Aptitude English Language Reasoning Ability General Awareness | 25 25 25 25 | 80 Minutes |
Total |
| 200 | 120 Minutes |
Candidates should be of sound physique, free from any physical defect. Medical standards stipulate minimum requirements of Weight 45 kg; Height 150 cm; Myopia and Hypermeiropia, if any, not to exceed J. U.00 in each eye. Suitable icluxuliun in height and weight will be given lo female candidates. In case of persons with disability, PWD candidates with minimum 40% disability can apply. Note: The medical standards indicated above are minimum pre-requisiies. However, appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their passing the Company’s Medical Examination as per standards laid down under SAlL’s Medical & Health Manual.
SAIL Management Trainee Syllabus Details
SAIL Management Trainee Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus | -Percentage -Average -Simplification -Approximation -Pipes & Cistern -Quadratic Equation -Time & Work -Speed Time & Distance -Simple Interest & Compound Interest -Data Interpretation -Number Series -Problem on Age -Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F -Partnership -Probability -Profit and Loss -Permutation & Combination |
SAIL Management Trainee Reasoning Ability Syllabus | -Coding-Decoding -Blood Relation -Analogy -Syllogism -Alphabet Test -Ranking and Time -Causes and Effects Direction Sense -Figure Series -Word Formation -Statement and Assumption -Assertion and Reason -Statement and Conclusion -Statement and Arguments -Statements and Action Courses |
SAIL Management Trainee English Language Syllabus | -Cloze Test -Reading Comprehension -Error Detection -Sentence Improvement -Sentence Correction -Para Jumbles -Fill in the Blanks -Para/Sentence Completion |
SAIL MT General Awareness Syllabus | -Current Affairs -History -Culture -Geography -Economic scene -General Polity -Constitution of India -India and its neighboring countries -Scientific research updates, etc |